Why I do what I do: On Equity Showcases and Painted Red by Liz Morgan

Earlier this year, I mentioned working on a passion project, Painted Red, based on the true but harrowing story of Henrietta Lacks whose “HeLa” cells were stolen from her body during cancer treatment and used to advance scientific discoveries without her consent.  The Lacks family was robbed of their mother and for many years, the truth about what she endured.

Our production was humble: an “equity showcase.”  Painted Red was self-produced by Dr. Cynthia Stephens who wrote and directed the work.  She rented a small studio in Manhattan and gave us a couple of weeks to perform for who ever would come.  We provided a lot of our own costumes and survived on a modest travel stipend and faith: faith in the story and faith that special people had been brought together to tell it.  After all, Dr. Stephens had previously cast a pre-Oscar-winning actress by the name of Lupita N’yongo in an earlier work.

So perhaps this meant someone important would be in the audience one night: a producer or a manager who would see the play’s potential or have a job just for me.  This is what is supposed to make the low-paying showcase worth it.  Exposure.  Well, Uzo Aduba came one night which I definitely tweeted about.  And we got a bit of press which was nice but the most important people we performed for, without a doubt, were Dr. Roland Patillo and Jeri Lacks.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the cast as we were being thanked by Henrietta’s granddaughter and the man that first introduced the family to the novelist who wrote the book which inspired Painted Red.  No salary or review could have exceeded the worth of that moment.  It was clear why Dr. Stephens’ company was called Sacred Ground Productions.  This small studio was still a theatre and a theatre is always a sacred place where the truth can be heard and healing can begin.

Yes, sometimes it’s not about the money or the exposure but the heart behind the art that allows us to give a gift that no one else can give.

Dr. Patillo told us that to this date every two hours a new discovery is made because of Henrietta Lacks and her immortal legacy.  I can only hope that for every two hours I’m on stage telling a story that I can do the same.


onLINE and onSTAGE in 2014 by Liz Morgan

Hello and Welcome to my updated site with a new blog section!

Liz Morgan as the title character in The Hunchback of Seville with Alston Brown as Queen Isabella

Liz Morgan as the title character in The Hunchback of Seville with Alston Brown as Queen Isabella

This first year post graduation has been very exciting and very busy.  After performing the title role in The Hunchback of Seville at Playwrights Rep, I'm now working in NYC.  I signed with an agency for legit work and I'm freelancing commercially as well.  I've also joined  Red Garnet Theatre Company as an associate artist.  In August, I traveled to Maine to develop a new solo show with the Mohawk Arts Collective.  Over the winter, I performed in readings with Stew (Passing Strange), Shaun Neblett, The Barrow Group, Harlem Shakespeare Festival and the MCC Theater Youth Company. I even danced in a zombie wedding flash mob in Times Square!

The highlight of this winter was working on The Mountaintop at Capital Rep in Albany, NY. We received rave reviews and standing ovations every night.  Simultaneously, my one-act play A Matter of Taste was being produced at The Secret Theatre in Queens and as a finalist in the LIC One Act Festival it will be published this spring!

Since returning to NYC, I developed a new play entitled Projection as part of the popular monthly Shotz presentation at Amios.

Most recently, I've been working on two passion projects in two different cities.  I've returned to Miranda Craigwell's haunting play Shelter about Hurricane Katrina with Company One in Boston.  Meanwhile in NYC, I'm also rehearsing a piece about the legacy of Henrietta Lacks and her immortal cells.  Sacred Ground Productions presents this theatrical montage entitled Painted Red April 17th-27th. 

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope to see you on the journey!