Coming up soon...
- A reading of my new play presented by Amios Theatre Company's "First Draughts" Reading Series dedicated to developing short plays from our "Shotz" series into full lengths.
Join us for BREAKING & ENTERING on March 28th, 7P @ D-Lounge (Daryl Roth Theatres 101 East 15th St) RSVP
- Also there is some exciting news for THE CLARK DOLL which now has its own website as well for you all to stay up-to-date...
The Clark Doll was recently featured as part of the 7th POTPOURRI World Women Works Series. The reading received a lot of great feedback during the Q&A led by director/dramaturg LAURIE CARLOS (for colored girls) which you can find below.
Finally, I am pleased to announce that I have been selected for the Rising Circle 2016 INKtank Lab to develop The Clark Doll further during a 12-week residency for playwrights. See the official Broadway World press release for more details.