Coming up soon...
- A reading of my new play presented by Amios Theatre Company's "First Draughts" Reading Series dedicated to developing short plays from our "Shotz" series into full lengths.
Join us for BREAKING & ENTERING on March 28th, 7P @ D-Lounge (Daryl Roth Theatres 101 East 15th St) RSVP
- Also there is some exciting news for THE CLARK DOLL which now has its own website as well for you all to stay up-to-date...
The Clark Doll was recently featured as part of the 7th POTPOURRI World Women Works Series. The reading received a lot of great feedback during the Q&A led by director/dramaturg LAURIE CARLOS (for colored girls) which you can find below.
“The Clark Doll is timely and well crafted. Liz has captured where Black people have been, where they are and where they could remain emotionally, socially and spiritually...
Award-winning theatre artist, Laurie Carlos unpacks the cycle of trauma reflected in THE CLARK DOLL
Finally, I am pleased to announce that I have been selected for the Rising Circle 2016 INKtank Lab to develop The Clark Doll further during a 12-week residency for playwrights. See the official Broadway World press release for more details.